August 25, 2024

4 Secrets Most SaaS Founders Wish They Knew Before They Launched

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Validation, Prototyping & Iteration:

My cousin got super excited about a new video game only to discover it was buggy and missing key features.
Made me think of what happens when you build a SaaS without testing it first. Or worse, without a prototype.  

As Paul Graham said, "Build things people want."
This means first figuring out what problem your target audience struggles with the most.

Eight out of ten times, a single problem can be solved with a single feature, with two or three supporting ones. 
It will save you more time and money than you can earn by selling secondary features. Validate your concept with a basic version and iterate based on user feedback.

1. Conduct Problem Interviews with potential customers to understand their pain points and validate your problem hypothesis.
2. Build an MVP ( Minimum Viable Product ) and iterate based on early input.

Ever thrown a tantrum on the first date?

Or showed up in your pajamas? Yeah, I did that once.
Just like you wouldn't make those mistakes, there is no reason for you to mess up with a new user trying to learn the ropes. Aka your onboarding.

No. This is not an advice to build a parenthesis of a guide, but a step-by-step process that explains not just features, but the benefits users gain from them.

Ensure clear and concise communication:
1. Create a User Journey Map through your UX, for easy onboarding and faster product adoption.
2. Develop interactive tutorials and videos to guide your users through the key features and encourage action.

Listen to Your Compass:

While onboarding customers, it is very easy to get lost in the race to bring in more sales, and even more sales and even more sales.

BUT It’s a problem if you drive without looking in the rear mirror, right?
Forgetting their initial user base is one of the biggest mistakes founders can make and I can not emphasize this enough.
I feel like this should be a PSA.
It's not that they don't care, but sometimes listening to investors' demands for rapid growth overshadows the importance of customer feedback.
Remember, from the prototype phase to the full-scale launch and beyond, your customers are your talking compass.

Listen carefully.
Instead of driving full speed onto the next sales pitch, make it easy for them to provide input-
Feedback forms usually work well for most start ups, you can also go for live chats or email surveys (depending on your resources).

And for your product's sake, don't pigeonhole all your customers into one category –
Segmentation allows you to understand how different user groups experience your product.

1. Include in-app surveys and feedback mechanisms to gather input easily.
2. Segment your users based on needs and behaviors and tailor your communication accordingly.

Your Differentiator:

Would you choose a brand that shows no interest in your experience?
Personally, I wouldn't even buy a falafel from a vendor who didn't care about his customers. Let alone a SaaS product.
It's his dedicated interest in his customers, in our orders, that keeps us coming back, even with other options.
He's built unshakeable trust by truly caring and has us all raving about his food to anyone who'll listen.

(Just like I am right now!)

That's the power of exceptional customer support- it creates fans.
His answer, when I asked why he takes such a strong interest in his customers. Because surely, they'd buy nevertheless, right?
His answer- "If I don't talk to the people I'm serving, how will learn and grow? What's the point then?"

That's it. That's the point. 
Your customer support is your competitive edge. Customer trust, loyalty, and Your long-term success, all depend on it.

1. Prioritize multiple support channels like live chat, email support, and a resource base to cater to the multiple uses of your SaaS
2. Train your team to actively listen to customer concerns, proactively solve problems, and build rapport.

Ready to Launch your SaaS? Book a strategy session with us and bulletproof your launch from the most common mistakes SaaS founders make!