August 25, 2024

Data Driven Content Marketing : Roadmap to Data-Driven Success

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Why Data: Imagine truly knowing your audience - what ignites their curiosity, fuels their passions, and motivates them to act. Sounds magical right ? Well, data driven marketing isn't magic, but it's the next best thing. 

It's about giving up the guessing game. Where traditional marketing involved you playing guessing games with your audience's minds, data driven marketing helps you carve a personalized GPS for it, providing a deeper understanding of your audience. It's the fuel that drives your audience closer to their desired destination, more importantly, along a path they'll actually enjoy. 

The difference lies in the intent of using that data -
In a world of brute-force sales tactics, data driven marketing shines.

It helps you think in a way that's inherently customer-centric, driven by a curiosity to understand your audience best. Every website visit, social media like, and email click, is a message, a valuable clue, leading you closer to unlocking your audience's needs.

Data-driven marketing is about who you're writing for, not just what you're writing about.
It empowers you to personalize conversations at scale, fostering increased engagement, brand loyalty, and ultimately, a thriving customer base.

Understanding Metrics that Offer Real Content Insights:

Follower counts are vanity metrics of your content. Focus on metrics that help you understand your audience's reactions to your content better. 

Engagement, Conversion and Customer Behavior: these are the clutch, gear and accelerator that help you navigate the content you're creating and refine your strategy in a way that drives results. 

Let's break the code on some key metrics:

Engagement rate: How do you know if what you've written is sparking conversations and keeping people interested ? Like, shares and comments - these are the butterflies keeping your content social.  

Bounce rate: Imagine someone walking into your store and leaving right away. Doesn't feel so good, does it ? But it tells you if you should redo your inventory or layout. That's what a bounce rate does, a high one might mean your content isn't relevant or your website needs a makeover. 

Conversion Rate: Having a hands-on metric of how many people were convinced by your content to sign up for a newsletter or to buy your product shows you whether your content is producing more than just buzz. 

Lead Generation: Imagine if in a market all your potential customers could point to the product they're most interested in , for you to learn and then stock up on it. Evaluating the content pieces and tracking leads according to that, helps you determine which kind of content to stock up on if you want to bag those potential customers

Impact of data driven changes over time

Average Session Duration & Click-through rate: How long are people actually sticking around to read what you have to say about your service or a technique or your experience ? That essentially determines if they'll agree with what you have to say in that piece of content. The longer someone stays on your website, the more likely they are to take your suggestions seriously. And how do you determine how many people took it seriously or got convinced ? That's what the Click-Through Rate tells you. 

Email open and click rates: As difficult as it is to be effective at email marketing, open and click rates help you test your content and determine if it landed in the spam or did your audience eagerly open it ? 

Cost Per Acquisition: The higher the price of acquiring a new client, a new customer, the less enticing your content is. To generate leads cost effectively, it is absolutely crucial for your content to either raise your audience's curiosity or answer it. The more enticing your content, the lower your CPA will be. 

Analyzing these metrics, help you understand your audience in a multi-dimensional way. You have personalized reports on what they like, what they don't, what keeps them engaged, what they want more, and how they want it. 

Here’s how Vega generated 47% more leads by opting for a Data-Driven approach.

Now that you have a fair idea of the metrics that you can put to play to analyze your content’s performance, it’s important to know how to leverage them too.
Most of the content out there is competition-centric and not customer centric. But how do you differentiate ?
No one’s to say that it will only take you two days to figure out your audience. They’re not static and neither should your content be. Depending upon where they are in their user journey, you can create relevant content.

Now that you have a fair idea of what to be mindful of when it comes to building a data-driven outlook for your content, get going, Happy Measuring !